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Writer's picturedileydiflorez

Following and Persevering on making the dream come true.

Welcome October.

In July of 2022 we started a new stage in our lives . Why? Well, it happens that we (I refer to Me and Afonso, my beloved one) celebrate two years since we come back to Portugal. After a long living-working trip to Iceland.

A trip - a change of life, that non of us thought would take 4 years, but we knew we need it do it. So we gave it a shot and in October 2018 we flight to the unknown, to Iceland.

On our journey to our goal and during this time of hard work, we met wonderful people, did great adventures, try new things, came back more resilient, better persons and with the heart full of so many experiences and memories. That even now, I'm still processing it all.

During those 4 years, as an emigrant couple traveling and working, we lived in two different towns, in about 5 different houses and did more than one job at the same time (both of us). What an adventure!

I can say that I'm happy with the choices we took and for certain, being together make it so much better and bearable.

It was all worthy, but we did it with it a lot of courage and perseverance.

Making a short version of all the story behind our trip to Iceland: after a lot of savings from previous years of work here in Portugal and with Afonso's two contracts on cruise ships, and with the help of our family, we had the opportunity to acquire an old Portuguese house with a small garden in the countryside. This happened in 2017.

Welcome to our humble home - Casa Raízes.

At that time, we had no money to make all the work building to be able to habited the house and pay back all the helps. So we decided to go to work to Iceland and get the conditions needed to rehabilitate our dream home.

photography, iceland, dileydi florez

In 2022 and after 4 years living and working in different fields in Iceland, we come back to Portugal to finally start making our dream come true: Rehabilitate our house, built our headquarters, home, studio and paradise. All in one! Obviously this is a life dream. So this is just the beginning of it. =P

The firts two months after our arriving to Portugal, we camping at the garden on the back of the house. So that we could do some repairs to the inside of the house to be able to live there. In parallel we started working on our edible garden with the aim that one day we can be self-sufficient in producing our own food.

In 2021 our paradise/garden looked like this:

nature, photography, dileydi florez

Then around October'22, when the basic needs and the small repairs were established and finished we move inside the house, thinking that at any time we would need to move out to begin the structure reconstruction of the house in general.  

Is now two years since we come back to Portugal.

Afonso and I we are creating and building a garden with our own hands and work. Living between a building site. What we though would be a temporary situation and a way to save money for the next step (big structural renovation) is taking for sure more time of what we initially planed or imagined. We are still waiting for all the bureaucracies get ready and the house is still on the process of rehabilitation.

But the good news is that we have a roof that protects us and gives us shelter.

nature, photography, dileydi florez, edible garden
ediblegarden, ourharvest, veggies, permaculture
ediblegarden, ourharvest, veggies, permaculture

Gifts from Nature, 2024.

And our harvest from our edible garden.

I can say that all this process takes a lot of patience. Living in a building site and at the same time creating for the scratch one edible garden for the first time in our life (because we both born and grow on the city), has make me understand that we no control nothing besides our body and mind (in a democratic nation that is following a path for gender equality). And that things takes time, more time that you think of.

The joy of reaping the fruits you sow with care is enormous but you need to be patient.

That's why I can only say that you need an open and flexible mind and spirit so that we can focus on enjoying the present moment and the process of things.

This path we chose to walk has been arduous but very beautiful. My heart is fulfilled with love.

As Abraham Lincoln (the United States' 16th President) said "Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality".


Have faith.

Be positive.

Be kind.

Be creative.

Be grateful.

Be perseverant.

Be patient.

artwork, paintings, dileydi florez

painting, abstract art, artwork, dileydiflorez

In the mean time, I am working as an independent Artist and my artwork is growing and transforming.

My online portfolio has been update, check it if you are curious.

There are new paintings created with love and affection inspired by nature, ready to bring you color.

If you are looking for a special gift for yourself or to give, please let me know.

This weekend October 5th and 6th, from 10h to 19h we will be attending to the Market Crafts & Design at Jardim da Estrela in Lisbon. Come and say hi.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Remember that you can support my Art by talking and sharing it with your friends and family.

You can also became a supporter of my Art by being a Patron.


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