Hello! My name is Dileydi Florez. I'm a Visual Artist and Storyteller, specialized in Editorial Design, Drawing & Comics.
I love using drawing and painting as a tool to express my creativity, and comics as a way to communicate my beliefs and knowledge to our society.
The originality and creativity of my works emerge from a very particular fusion between tropical blood and “lusitan” spirit. I was born in Bogotá, Colombia and I grew up in Portugal, where I am based.
I am constantly in search of new narratives, exploring the plasticity of materials as an integral part of my creative process. I have a predilection for watercolors, gouache, chinese ink, graphite on paper and digital coloring.
In 2018 I gave lessons of Comics at Ar.Co – Centro de Arte & Comunicação Visual, Lisbon, Portugal. Apart from my own Artwork creation, I also facilitate workshops and drawing activities for the public to encourage art and creativity in people's daily lives.
I have collaborations in newspapers and magazines around the world.
© Photography by Afonso B. Guimarães.
Winner at the Award Chili Com Carne "Toma lá 500 paus e faz uma BD" as a Coordinator and Artist of the project Nódoa Negra, Pt.
Winner at the Visual Arts Award "Jovens Criadores 2015".
Area: Illustration and comic, Pt.
- Winner at The Latin American Illustration4, American Illustration-American Photography (AI-AP), US.
- Honorable mention at the Visual Arts Award for Young Artist, Calouste Gulbenkian Fondation. Pt.
- Honorable mention at the 3x3 Illustration Annual, Student Show No. 12, US.
Poemas Salgados Poetry book, Afonso B. Guimarães & Dileydi Florez, Self-published, (Portugal, 2023).
Survival Mode Comic Book, published by kuš!, (Latvia, 2021).
Nakama - Os meus Amigos Fanzine, published by SapataPress, (Brasil & Portugal, 2019).
Nódoa Negra, Portuguese Comic Anthology, published by Chili com Carne, (Portugal, 2018).
Askar, o General Comic Book published by Chili com Carne. (Portugal, 2015).
Short Comics
Flowering Plants Short Comic part of the Comic Anthology
Back to Nature, published by kuš!, (Latvia, 2022).
Vidas Short Comic published in The Regional Newspaper O Palhinhas nº78, (Portugal, 2022).
The Path Short Comic published in the Icelandic comic magazine Myndarsögur #1, (Iceland, 2021).
In the water Short Comic part of the Comic Anthology TLS Series: Viagens. ComicHeart + G.Floy, (Portugal 2018).
Alexandra Exter Short Comic published in the comic magazine #PENTÂNGULO #1. Chili com Carne + Ar.co, (Portugal 2018).
Eu Sou Bordalo Pinheiro Short Comic published in the Catalogue Exhibition Filhos do Manguito. The Lisbon Studio + Bordalo Pinheiro Museum, (Portugal, 2017).
It Was With Love Short Comic part of the Fanzine Ofende-me, published by DordeCotovelo + Bedeteca de Lisboa. (Portugal, 2017).
24HORAS Short Comic part of the Comic Anthology TLS Series: Cidades. ComicHeart + G.Floy Portugal. (Portugal, 2017).
No Mar Short Comic part of the Book Desenhar em cima da conserva: Drawing on Preserves published by Arranha Céus. (Portugal, 2016).
Coloring book published by DordeCotovelo. (Portugal, 2016).
Unhas Short Comic part of the Fanzine Narrativas Folclóricas #1 published by DordeCotovelo.(Portugal, 2015).
#2 Fanzine published by DordeCotovelo. (Portugal, 2015).
Os Call center vão salvar Portugal? Short Comic part of the Comic Anthology Lisboa é Very very Typical, published by Chili com Carne. (Portugal, 2015).
Solo Exhibitions
Amado, a.Cal, Beja, Pt.
trilhos, Langabúð Museum Cafe, Djúpavogur, Is.
kosmos, OndularAteliê, Lisbon,pt
Convenção dos Pássaros, Leituria, Lisbon, Pt.
Musas, Véronique Boutique, Lisbon, Pt.
Askar, O General, LAR Gallery, Lagos, Pt.
Askar, O General, Shop FCP/Communication Museum, Lisbon, Pt.
Askar, O General, El Pepe Shop & Gallery, Lisbon, Pt.
Workshops & Talks
“See and feel through drawing"/"Ver e sentir através do desenho” Artistic Residence during March and April with 7 drawing sessions + 1 Open Day at Art&Craft Refúgio, part of Largo Residências, Pt.
"Desenhar com o pincel e as tesouras" / "Drawing with a brush and scissors"[1 session] at Collage Working Club, Lisbon, Pt.
Drawing Workshop [4 sessions] at The Youth Club NEISTI, Djúpivogur, Is.
Workshop: Mural painting at the town's playground at Djúpivogur, Is.
Presentation of the Fanzine: "Nakama: os meus amigos", 2th edition of Feira Gráfica, Lisbon, Pt.
Drink&Draw session 01 & 02 at Langabúð Museum Cafe, Djúpivogur, Is.
Workshop: An Introduction to Autobiography comic at OndularAteliê [2 sessions], Bookshop Tigre de Papel [1session] and Teleperformance [1session], Lisbon, Pt.
Open Talk at the Bordalo Pinheiro Museum, Lisbon, Pt.
Workshop: Everyday is a comic book/ Autobiography comic [1session] at 10º International Illustration Meeting S. João da Madeira, Pt.
2017 - 2018
Postgraduate degree in Fine Arts, Drawing Specialization,
FBAUL Universidade de Lisboa, Pt.
MFA Illustration, Universidade de Évora / ISEC, Pt.
Professional Degree Illustration/Comics, Ar.Co, Pt.
BFA Design, IADE, Pt.
2013 - 2014
Scholarship Ana Martinho, Ar.Co, Pt.
Scholarship Universidade de Évora, Pt
Group Exhibitions (Selection)
Eu sou outra pessoa, Apaixonarte, Lisbon, Pt. [on going until 4thMay]
Festa da Ilustração de Setúbal: "Ilustração Portuguesa", Pt.
The BIG – Guimarães Illustration Biennial, Pt.
The Lisbon Studio Exhibition, Festiwal Komiksu W Łodzi, PLN.
Festa da Ilustração de Setúbal: "Ilustração Portuguesa", Pt.
Nódoa Negra - Festival Internacional de BD de Beja, Pt.
Nódoa Negra, Book release & Flash Exhibition, ZDB, Lisbon, Pt.
THE LISBON STUDIO: TLS Serie - Festival Internacional de BD de Beja, Pt.
"Filhos do Manguito", Bordalo Pinheiro Museum, Pt.
10º International Illustration Meeting S. João da Madeira, Pt.
THE LISBON STUDIO, Comic Con Portugal, Porto, Pt.
ZONA DE DESCONFORTO by Chili Com Carne, The Amadora International Comic Festival, Lisbon, Pt.
LISBON CALLING - The Amadora International Comic Festival, Pt.
EMERGÊNCIA - Contemporary Art Exhibition, Centro Cultural Bom Sucesso, Alverca, Pt.
Ar.Co, Scholarship holders and Finalists, Museu da Cidade, Lisbon, Pt.
INDEPENDENTE, Inma Ruiz Studio, Lisbon, Pt
Autumn Exhibition/Open Studio, Ar.Co, Almada, Pt.
3ªExhibition of Illustration ENTRE PÓLOS, Magnética Mag., Lisbon, Pt.
AVULSO, Bookshop Artes & Letras, Lisbon, Pt.
Autumn Exhibition/Open Studio, Ar.Co, Almada, Pt.
Master of Illustration Finalists, Costume Museum, Lisbon, Pt.
Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa'11, Millennium BCP, Lisbon, Pt.
Get in Touch
For more information about my work or possible collaborations please send me
an email to
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«(...) Over long years, as we gaze at book after book and illustration after illustration, we come to learn the following: A great painter does not content himself by affecting us with his masterpieces; ultimately, he succeeds in changing the landscape of our minds. Once a miniaturist's artistry enters our souls this way, it becomes the criterion for the beauty of our world.>>
My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk.